He ali’i ka ‘āina; He kauā ke kanaka.

(The land is chief; man is its servant.)


Seed of the Soul LLC is an edible landscaping venture on the Big Island of Hawai’i.

We employ permaculture food forestry techniques to establish self-sustaining environments that bring forth resilience, beauty, and edible abundance. Permaculture food forestry involves the conscious design, implementation, and maintenance of agriculturally productive systems that mirror the diversity, stability, and adaptability of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of a landscape with its people: all energy sources are provided for in a sustainable and regenerative way.

Permaculture places emphasis on closed-loop systems, perennial crops, stacking functions, eco-earthworks, and minimal human intervention once the system is established. By allowing nature to work its magic, we create harmonious and efficient ecosystems. Click here to view frequently asked questions regarding permaculture food forestry.


We specialize in planting…

tropical staple crops | drought tolerant perennial gardens | high-value crops | bamboo forests | aromatic lei gardens | small-scale vetiver installations + more

We work with incredible growers across the Big Island to ensure healthy, strong, and vibrant plants are installed each week, and have our own small-scale, certified nursery located in Hakalau where we grow plants not in consistent supply from our affiliates. In all of our endeavors, we seek to grow nutrient-dense and delicious food, revitalize and regenerate the soil, preserve native ecosystems, purify and protect water sources, prevent erosion, and create beautiful environments for people to experience, enjoy, and be inspired by! 

With open hearts and minds, we will continue to learn how to live sustainably, regeneratively, and lovingly on this planet, and help as many people as we can along the way. 


We are not separate from Earth.

We, too, are the green and growing, the blue and flowing, the red and glowing.  We are her elements fused together, intended to allow the invisible be witnessed and the vast breadth of experiences be felt.

We are magnificent iterations of her primal soil; consistently reshaped by our actions, thoughts and the mighty hands of Spirit.

When we remember this, it becomes effortless to recollect the ancient knowledge of how to respect our planet,

how to be a part of her creative cycle,

how to love and care for one another.
